Our Educational Services
In-Class Presentations
Since we launched in early 2018, our experienced educators have given in-class presentations to nearly 3,200 students in Ohio, ranging from pre-school age to adult. We offer a range of presentation topics, including plastic pollution, algal blooms, coral reefs, and energy freedom and how these issues impact Ohio’s ecosystems and economy as well as the health of its residents. Focused on positivity, all presentations leave students feeling empowered to make a difference and with new skills to begin saving our oceans. Want OOF to come to your class? Contact us!
Engagement with the Bag Monster
Did you know that an average person uses 500 single-use plastic bags every year? Plastic bags are not recyclable and even cause damage to recycling equipment. As a result, they take up valuable landfill space, pollute our streets and waterways, and harm wildlife. OOF’s “Bag Monster” is a costume made from an average shopper’s 500 bags, and it provides a fun and informative opportunity for the public to comprehend the enormity of our plastic bag waste problem. With just a couple reusable bags, all of this waste is gone! Want the bag monster at your event? Contact us!
Outreach in the Community
We love meeting members of our community, and you can find us at many different events, including Canton First Fridays, 720 Market, and more! Our tabling setup includes educational information and interactive exhibits about how Ohio impacts the ocean. We even have a water sample containing plastic debris from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean - this may have originated in Ohio entering the ocean via the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers! Our educators teach attendees about sustainability and lifestyle changes that protect Ohio and the ocean. Want OOF at your event? Contact us!
“I just wanted to thank you again for such a wonderful presentation! It was VERY informative and inspiring. The girls were engaged and interested the whole time. I can tell it had an impact on them based on the conversations I had with them during our clean-up.”
— Lindsay Kelley, Overlook Elementary